Statement on CCP Inner Mongolia Language Suppression

Ottawa, September 03. 2020 – The Canada Tibet Committee CTC)  expresses its heartfelt solidarity with the Mongolians in the Peoples Republic of China,  now protesting the latest steps by the CCP to drastically reduce the use of the Mongolian language in education. This is part of a systematic attempt to downgrade, degrade and reduce ancient and distinctive nations, like the Mongolians, Uyghurs and Tibetans, to the status of vulnerable and marginalized ethnic minorities —  on their own home ground. The CTC calls on the Government of Canada, as well as partners who advocate for Human Rights,  to express profound concern at this latest step in what is essentially an act of hegemonic linguistic vandalism.  Should the  CCP  persist in this line of action, then we call on the Government to sanction the architects  (provincial and national levels) of these policies and de-bar them and their families from travel, investment, and education opportunities overseas. Recognizing that these actions fall within the purview of  United Nations agencies, we call on UNESCO to issue a condemnation of this act of cultural overreach and undertake a systematic review of the impact of the cultural and linguistic policies of the PRC that are intended to reduce distinct living languages to museum status. 

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