Canadian Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators

Canadian Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators from all political parties have made important contributions to the Tibetan cause. They have written letters, hosted the Dalai Lama in Ottawa, and made statements in the House of Commons. The Parliamentary Outreach Campaign aims to maintain and increase parliamentary momentum for Tibet by assisting Canadian-Tibetans and their… Continue reading Canadian Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators

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Our Mission

The Canada Tibet Committee (CTC) is a federally-registered, non-governmental organization founded in 1987. The CTC office is located in Montreal, Quebec. Our Mission The Canada Tibet Committee defends and promotes human rights and democratic freedoms of the Tibetan people. The CTC monitors developments inside Tibet and builds public awareness in Canada through its outreach activities.… Continue reading Our Mission

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56th Tibetan Uprising Day

56th Tibetan Uprising Day Commemorating the 1959 uprising against Chinese Military Occupation Tuesday, March 10, 2015 – Vancouver B.C. In Solidarity with Tibetans still struggling in Occupied Tibet 12 noon – RALLY at Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson Street side) 1:30 pm – MARCH to the Consulate of China (3380 Granville St) 2:30pm to 7pm –… Continue reading 56th Tibetan Uprising Day

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Immigration tibétaine au Canada

Immigration tibétaine au Canada En 1959, le soulèvement national des Tibétains contre l’occupation chinoise força des milliers d’entre eux à quitter leurs foyers. A la fin des années 60, près de 100 000 Tibétains déplacés avaient fui vers l’Inde et le Népal. Le gouvernement indien était incapable de fournir de l’aide à tous les réfugiés. En conséquence, le… Continue reading Immigration tibétaine au Canada

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ALBERTA Calgary Tibetan Community of Alberta Namgyal Chodak, président Courriel: Site web:   COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE Vancouver Tibetan Cultural Society of British Columbia Tenzin Gyurme, président Courriel:   Victoria Tibetan Cultural Society of Vancouver Island c/o Thubten Choling 5810 Wilson Ave., Duncan, B.C. Canada, V9L 1K4 t: 250-748-6028     ONTARIO Ottawa… Continue reading Contact

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The Canada Tibet Committee

The Canada Tibet Committee The Canada Tibet Committee defends and promotes human rights and democratic freedoms of the Tibetan people. The CTC monitors developments inside Tibet and builds public awareness in Canada through its outreach activities. Learn more about the CTC

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Current openings

The Canada Tibet Committee relies on volunteers to continue its work in support of human rights in Tibet. Volunteering offers you a unique opportunity to join a diverse group of people engaged in a wide range of activities. The experience gained by volunteering is a great way to build your CV and to learn about… Continue reading Current openings

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La version française

La version française de cette section n’est pas encore disponible mais elle le sera prochainement. Le Comité Canada Tibet fait en effet appel à des bénévoles pour les traductions, ce qui peut parfois prendre du temps. Soyez assurés que nous avons à cœur de fournir l’information sur le Tibet dans les deux langues officielles. Nous… Continue reading La version française

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Tibet is often called the “Roof of the World” because it is situated on a high plateau in the Himalaya mountain range at an altitude of 4500 metres. Chinese troops first entered Tibet in 1949. In March 1959, a popular uprising was brutally crushed. The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual and temporal leader, escaped into exile… Continue reading Tibet

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Although the TIBETAN COMMUNITY IN CANADA is relatively small – approximately 7500 in total – second and third generations are actively helping to preserve and promote Tibetan ethno-cultural identity in Canada through various organizations across the country. Through the efforts of then Minister for Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney, his staff, and in coordination with… Continue reading TIBETAN COMMUNITY IN CANADA

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