About Tibet

Tashi Wangchuk

Tibet is often called the “Roof of the World” because it is situated on a high plateau in the Himalaya mountain range at an altitude of 4500 metres. Chinese troops first entered Tibet in 1949. In March 1959, a popular uprising was brutally crushed.  The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual and temporal leader, escaped into exile in… Continue reading About Tibet

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CTC Impact

Since 1987, the Canada Tibet Committee has been TIBET’S VOICE IN OTTAWA.  The CTC has brought members of the Tibetan community together with their Canadian supporters in order to deliver a common appeal to the Government of Canada.  We have worked with Government and with Parliament, at the community level and at the international level. Here are a… Continue reading CTC Impact

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Summer Speaker Series 2021

CTC’s Research Associate Anvesh Jain hosted virtual discussions on Tibet starting from August 6th to August 26th, 2021. A part of the series included virtual discussion with MP Garnett Genuis who at the time was co-chair of the Parliamentary Special Committee on Canada-China Relation. As one of the most vocal advocates for human rights and fundamental… Continue reading Summer Speaker Series 2021

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The Evolution of Canada’s Tibet Policy

The Evolution of Canada’s Tibet Policy Until 1969, Canadian support for the Tibetan government was often tentative, but steady. Early correspondence between Canadian diplomats in Peking and New Delhi and their counterparts in Ottawa describes Tibet as an independent state incapable of resisting the military invasion by Chinese forces. In 1950, Canada’s Minister of External… Continue reading The Evolution of Canada’s Tibet Policy

What you can do to promote religious freedom in Tibet

Religious persecution in Tibet is not simply a matter of ethnic or religious conflict or even of discrimination by a majority against its minorities. Religious persecution in Tibet is a politically motivated and consciously constructed policy implemented with the idea that it might be possible to obliterate the distinctive characteristics of Tibetan culture and civilization… Continue reading What you can do to promote religious freedom in Tibet

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Financial statements

The Canada Tibet Committee prepares annual financial statements which are approved by the Board of Directors. Financial statements are an important way to demonstrate the CTC’s commitment to using resources efficiently, and to being accountable to our donor community. 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Earlier years available… Continue reading Financial statements

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En dépit de la prospérité tant vantée de la Chine, la pauvreté reste le lot de la majorité des Tibétains vivant sous son autorité. Des politiques fiscales et sociales discriminatoires, conjuguées à la répression politique, ont instauré un système économique et social à deux vitesses reposant essentiellement sur la race. Les bénéfices économiques reviennent principalement… Continue reading 162

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En 2007 durant sa visite à Ottawa, Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama, a demandé au premier ministre d’alors, Stephen Harper, si son gouvernement accepterait d’accueillir au Canada, des Tibétains de l’Arunachal Pradesh, une province du nord de l’Inde. Grâce aux efforts de son ministre de la Citoyenneté et de l’Immigration, Jason Kenney, et de son… Continue reading 173

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List of publications released

This is a selected list of publications released by the Canada Tibet Committee. It includes both issue backgrounders and original research reports. The publications are presented in descending order, by date published. Violations of the Human Right to Freedom of Religion in Tibet, Canada Tibet Committee, April 3, 2017 Strategic Plan 2016-2019, Canada Tibet Committee,… Continue reading List of publications released

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What you can do to promote religious freedom in Tibet

Religious persecution in Tibet is not simply a matter of ethnic or religious conflict or even of discrimination by a majority against its minorities. Religious persecution in Tibet is a politically motivated and consciously constructed policy implemented with the idea that it might be possible to obliterate the distinctive characteristics of Tibetan culture and civilization… Continue reading What you can do to promote religious freedom in Tibet

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