TIBET: CRY OF THE SNOW LION (USA, 2003) English; 104 minutes Ten years in the making, this award-winning feature-length documentary was filmed during nine journeys throughout Tibet, India and Nepal.  CRY OF THE SNOW LION brings audiences to the long-forbidden “rooftop of the world” with an unprecedented richness of imagery… from rarely-seen rituals in remote… Continue reading TIBET: CRY OF THE SNOW LION

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2008 Tibetan Film Festival  kicks off in Calgary!

  2008 Tibetan Film Festival  kicks off in Calgary! The Canada Tibet Committee (CTC) is pleased to announce the launch of its 2008 Tibetan Film Festival 20-22 June 2008 in Calgary. The festival features four films including the Canadian theatrical premiere of The Unwinking Gaze.          The Unwinking Gaze          Tibet: Cry of the Snow… Continue reading 2008 Tibetan Film Festival  kicks off in Calgary!

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Tibet Advocacy Groups

Tibet Advocacy Groups Tibet Online Resource Center Boycott Made In China This site informs why and how. Guchusum Formerly The Tibetan Political Prisoners Association. Tibet Justice Center Students for a Free Tibet International Campaign for Tibet Tibet in Toronto Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario Tibet’s Government-in-exile Based in Dharamsala, India. Tibetan Government-in-Exile See also www.tibet.net.… Continue reading Tibet Advocacy Groups

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Le statut légal du Tibet

Le statut légal du Tibet Lorsque les troupes chinoises entrèrent pour la première fois au Tibet, il était déjà considéré comme un État à part entière selon les lois internationales. Le Tibet avait un peuple, un territoire et un gouvernement qui opérait à l’intérieur de ce territoire et qui gérait ses propres affaires domestiques sans… Continue reading Le statut légal du Tibet

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Les menaces environnementales: un aperçu

Les menaces environnementales: un aperçu Le plateau tibétain est le plus haut et le plus large au monde. Il accueille un écosystème de haute altitude, unique et fragile, qui est encore intouché grâce à son isolement et son inaccessibilité. Toutefois, la main dévastatrice de l’homme extrait les ressources naturelles sans se soucier de la faune,… Continue reading Les menaces environnementales: un aperçu

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Mark Tewksbury

I’m Mark Tewksbury and welcome to what promises to be an historic and incredible afternoon. Some of you may be wondering why a former Olympian might be asked to host a Talk by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It may seem difficult to imagine today, but the Olympic Games were not founded by NBC, Nike… Continue reading Mark Tewksbury

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