Le statut légal du Tibet Lorsque les troupes chinoises entrèrent pour la première fois au Tibet, il était déjà considéré comme un État à part entière selon les lois internationales. Le Tibet avait un peuple, un territoire et un gouvernement qui opérait à l’intérieur de ce territoire et qui gérait ses propres affaires domestiques… Continue reading Le statut légal du Tibet
Author: CTC
Les Amis Parlementaires du Tibet
Les Amis Parlementaires du Tibet Les Amis Parlementaires du Tibet regroupe des membres de tous les partis du Parlement, ainsi que des sénateurs. Fondé en 1990 des parlementaires qui s’intéressent à la cause tibétaine, le groupe aété joint par des dizaines de membres depuis. Le groupe est ainsi devenu la voix du soutien à la… Continue reading Les Amis Parlementaires du Tibet
Video message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Canadians
Despite making promises to the international community, China’s human rights record has not improved leading up to the Beijing Games. If anything, it has gotten worse with recent military action in Tibet. Video message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Canadians Beijing Olympics – Race for Rights From July 13th to August 24th, former… Continue reading Video message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Canadians
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs The Human Rights Situation in Tibetan Areas of China A Reassessment of Canada’s Interests in China and Options for Renewal of Canada’s China Policy Citizen Response by Dermod Travis Tibet and the APEC – A Briefing paper for Tibet Support Groups by Catherine James Secret: Canada’s Tibet File The 17 Point Agreement Backgrounder… Continue reading Foreign Affairs
Will You Stand Up for Tibet?
Will You Stand Up for Tibet? 54th COMMEMORATION OF THE LHASA UPRISING Sunday, March 10, 2013 12:00 Rally on Parliament Hill 13:00 March to Chinese Embassy 13:30 Vigil at Chinese Embassy
CTC Toronto
CTC Toronto There is currently no active CTC branch in the Toronto area.
Please visit: www.projecttibetsociety.ca . .
Cultural Tibetan Cultural Society of British Columbia Tashi Tsetan, President Email: tcsofbc@gmail.com http://www.tcsofbc.org/ Tibetan Cultural Society of Vancouver Island http://www.tcsovi.org/ Tibetan Community of Alberta Tashi Phuntsok, President Calgary, AB Email: taa.calgary@shaw.ca Website: http://www.albertatibetan.com/ Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario Kunsang Tanzin, President Toronto, ON Email: info@ctao.org Website: www.ctao.org and www.tcccgc.org Tibet‘s Independence Movement – Peterborough and… Continue reading Cultural
The Tibetan Plateau – Earth’s Third Pole
The Tibetan Plateau – Earth’s Third Pole ”If we think of the planet as our house or as our mother – Mother Earth – we automatically feel concern for our environment. Today we understand that the future of humanity very much depends on our planet, and that the future of the planet very much depends… Continue reading The Tibetan Plateau – Earth’s Third Pole
Resettlement overview
Resettlement overview The Government of Canada is facilitating the immigration of up to 1,000 Tibetans living in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in India, at the request of the Canada Tibet Committee and Canada’s Tibetan community. Up to 1,000 displaced Tibetans, including principal applicants and their eligible family members, will be accepted over a five-year… Continue reading Resettlement overview